Jesus Birth to Death to Life Again

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The Story of Jesus: Nativity, Life, Death, Resurrection

Story of Jesus: Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection Delight consider this brief study of who Jesus is, what He did, and how He lived and died. We hash out His birth, including His eternal existence, Virgin Nascency, and fulfillment of prophecy.

The summary of His life describes His baptism, temptation, teaching, and the evidence for His claims. We conclude with a study of His betrayal, trials, death by crucifixion, burial, resurrection, and ascension.


2 of our best-loved hymns talk nearly "telling the story" of Jesus. One is entitled "Tell Me the Story of Jesus." The other is "I Love to Tell the Story." Both of them emphasize the fact that everyone needs to know the story of who Jesus is, what He did, and what He teaches.

1 Corinthians 15:1-5 says that the truth about Jesus is the foundation of the gospel. And Jesus is the cardinal theme of the Bible. So everyone needs to hear the story of Jesus.

People who are not Jesus' disciples demand to hear the story of Jesus.

One of the songs says: "I love to tell the story, For some have never heard, The bulletin of conservancy, From God's own holy Discussion."

Many Bible examples bear witness that, when didactics people who do non know or sympathise the life and character of Jesus, faithful gospel preachers always taught them well-nigh these basic truths (see Acts chaps. 2,three,viii,10, etc.).

So, knowing about Jesus' life and graphic symbol is absolutely primal to fellowship with God. People who are not Jesus' disciples need to hear about Jesus, considering they must believe and obey the gospel message to be saved (Rom. x:17; John 20:thirty,31).

People who are Jesus' disciples also demand to hear the story of Jesus.

Another poesy in the song says: "I love to tell the story, For those who know information technology all-time, Seem hungering and thirsting, To hear it similar the rest."

God'due south children demand to be reminded of the life and graphic symbol of Jesus (2 Peter i:12,xiii). We need to be reminded of the show on which our faith is based (Rom. 10:17), of God's great dearest for us (i John 4:9,19), and of the perfect example Jesus set (1 Pet. 2:21ff).

Understand that "the story of Jesus" is not just Matthew, Marker, Luke, and John. And preaching Jesus is not just preaching about things He did. Preaching Jesus includes preaching what He taught, including the teachings He inspired His apostles and prophets to teach. In short the entire New Testament is the story of Jesus.

Only the focus of this study will emphasize what Jesus did and who He is. We will use the verses of "Tell Me the Story of Jesus" to outline of our main points. The questions I hope you will ask yourself every bit we study are: (1) Do you dearest to hear the story of Jesus? And (two) Do you lot love to tell the story of Jesus? If so, how diligent are you in telling it to others? Exercise y'all seek opportunities to talk to people nearly the gospel of Christ?

Annotation Poesy 1 - Jesus' Birth

Consider the following facts about Jesus that we demand to sympathize based on the Bible teaching about His nascency:

A. He Existed from Eternity (the Creator).

Jesus' existence did not begin with His nativity. He existed from eternity with God the Father and the Holy Spirit.

His eternal nature

Micah five:ii - From Bethlehem would come a ruler, whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. This passage is applied to Jesus in Matt. ii:iv-6. He was born in Bethlehem, but He existed from eternity.

John i:ane,2 - The "Give-and-take" (Jesus - v14) was in the beginning with God, and was God. He is a separate Being or Individual from the Father (He was "with God"), but He possesses the nature of Deity just as the Begetter does (He "was God").

[Psa. xc:1-iv; 93:2; 55:19; Heb. 1:12; cf. Psa. 102:24-27 with Heb. one:8-12; Isa. 9:6; John eight:58]

His piece of work in Creation

John i:three - All things were made through Him, and null was fabricated without Him. Not just did Jesus be from eternity, but He is the eternal Creator of all created things.

Colossians 1:sixteen - By Jesus were all things created. If Jesus made everything that was created, then He Himself must not accept been created. He is eternal - the eternal Cause of all that exists. Surely the eternal Creator must possess Deity, and then these verses assert Jesus' Deity.

So, the commencement thing to know nearly Jesus is that His life on earth was not the beginning of His beingness. He existed from eternity with the Heavenly Begetter, and He was, in fact, the eternal Creator of the unabridged universe.

[Cf. Heb. 1:2.]

B. He Left Heaven to Live on World.

Philippians 2:5-8 - Though He existed in heaven in the form of God, Jesus did non insist on property to the honor and blessings He had there. He emptied Himself to alive on earth every bit a man, and humbled Himself even to the point of dying on the cross

2 Corinthians eight:9 - He had bang-up riches (in Heaven), but He gave this up and became poor (when He came to world). As a result of this sacrifice, we tin can go rich.

Jesus had the glory and privileges of beingness honored as Deity in Heaven. Simply He gave that upwards that honor to come to earth to live as a man. Deity took the place of man - God in the flesh. We will see why as we keep.

[Cf. Heb. two:14-17; John 17:5.]

C. His Coming Was Promised to Dandy Old Testament Men.

The promise to Abraham

Genesis 12:3 - As part of one of the greatest promises in the Bible, God told Abraham that his descendant would bring a approval on all families of the world.

Acts three:25,26 - Jesus fulfilled this promise by offering the sacrifice by which all men can be saved from their sins. God planned from before Jesus was ever born, that His coming would anoint every nation of people on earth in fulfillment of a key Divine promise.

The promise to David

God as well promised King David that his descendants would continue to rule God's people (two Sam. seven:12-16; Jer. 23:5). The Old Testament frequently predicted the coming of the kingdom that would be subject area to this Anointed Ruler (the Messiah or Christ) (Dan. ii, etc.).

Luke i:32,33 - The angel told Jesus' mother Mary that He would accept the throne of David and would reign over His kingdom forever.

Matthew i:1-16 (note v17)- Jesus' genealogy is traced dorsum through David, to show He was David'southward heir (cf. Luke 3:23-38 Acts 13:22,23).

Past right of inheritance, Jesus deserved to rule every bit King. Nosotros will learn more of this as nosotros continue.

D. He Was Built-in of a Virgin.

Some people today deny the Virgin Nativity. But this view denies a cardinal proof of Jesus' nature and also denies the inspiration of the Bible, for the Bible clearly affirms it.

Luke i:26-35 - Mary is clearly described equally a "virgin." An angel told her that she would conceive and bear a son. She did non understand, since she had no relations with a man; and then, the angel explained that this would occur by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Matthew i:eighteen-25 - She was betrothed to Joseph, but she conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit before she and Joseph were united (he did not "know" her sexually till after Jesus was built-in). An angel bodacious Joseph that this had occurred by the power of God, not every bit an act of immorality; and then Joseph proceeded to take her as wife.

God brought Jesus into the world by a miracle. At the very beginning of His earthly existence, God used a supernatural event to testify that Jesus was no ordinary human.

This miracle also symbolizes Jesus' dual nature: His conception and nativity by a woman shows His man nature. His conception by the Holy Spirit (Deity), without a human father, shows He is non merely human but is also Divine. The nature of man and the nature of God were united in Jesus.

E. He Was Built-in in Humble Circumstances.

Though He came to be a King and was in fact the Eternal Creator, still Jesus was born and lived in the nigh apprehensive of circumstances.

Luke 2:i-18 - Jesus was born in a stable and laid in a manger. Yet, angels announced that He would exist the Savior, the Christ (Anointed One), and Lord (master, ruler). This miraculous result besides proved the special character of the One who was built-in.

Matthew 2:13-23 - Having been honored by the wise men, Jesus had to escape death at the hands of Herod. So, Joseph and Mary took Him to Egypt, and then later returned to Nazareth, one of the most apprehensive of cities (John 1:46). Here He grew up as a carpenter's son (Matt. 13:55; Mark 6:3).

This is the story of Jesus' nativity. Do yous believe this story to be true? Do you love to tell the story to others? What efforts accept you made to requite others the opportunity to hear and believe?

Note Verse 2 - Jesus' Life

We could spend hours discussing Jesus' life and teachings. Nosotros will concentrate on only a few events that demonstrate His graphic symbol and His purpose for coming.

A. His Baptism

Jesus' baptism shows the importance of obedience and of baptism.

Matthew three:13-17 - Jesus was baptized to "fulfill all righteousness" (v15). The gospel teaches that we today need to be baptized to receive remission of sins (Acts two:38). But Jesus had no sins to be forgiven, so He was not baptized for the same reason as us. But He still had to be baptized to obey God'southward will.

Hebrews 5:eight,9 - Jesus learned the significant of obedience from personal experience. People tend to think that other people don't understand us: kids think parents don't empathize, wives think husbands don't understand, etc. And then, we might too think that God does not understand us merely only sits in an ivory belfry making rules. But by living, suffering, and dying every bit a man, Jesus assures u.s.a. that God does empathise and cares well-nigh u.s..

[Luke vii:thirty]

Jesus' baptism shows the human relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Every bit Jesus was existence baptized, the Holy Spirit came in the bodily form of a dove, and the Father spoke from heaven. This shows that the Begetter, Son, and Holy Spirit are three distinct Beings or individuals.

Simply though Jesus is a separate private, yet the Father and the Holy Spirit affirmed their unity with Jesus and their approval of Him. The miraculous vox of the Begetter and the miraculous appearance of the Spirit constitute Divine proof that Jesus was the Son of God.

Just as God miraculously demonstrated Jesus' special nature when Jesus was born, He once more demonstrated Jesus' special character at the beginning of Jesus' public ministry.

B. His Temptation

Matthew 4:one-eleven - Jesus fasted in the wilderness forty days and nights. Satan so came to tempt Him. This teaches us:

Nosotros tin resist Satan past relying on God's word.

Jesus answered every temptation proverb, "It is written." Nosotros should do the same.

1 Corinthians ten:13 - Nosotros can overcome every temptation, just as Jesus did. In that location is e'er a way of escape, and then there is never an excuse for sin.

Ephesians vi:10-18 - Using the armor God provides, we are able to stand up against Satan, and quench all his fiery darts.

Jesus' temptation shows united states we tin overcome Satan, and shows us how to do it: by trusting in God's give-and-take.

Jesus lived a sinless life.

Only as Jesus overcame Satan'southward temptations in this case, so He did throughout His life. Though Satan tried repeatedly to defeat Him, Jesus overcame every fourth dimension.

ane Peter 2:21,22 - He lived without sin, setting a perfect example for us to follow. Though we have sinned and need forgiveness, this was never truthful of Jesus. His life set an example and a goal for us to strive for: we should strive to live above sin as He did.

Hebrews 4:15,16 - Jesus was tempted in all points like we are, but He did not sin. Once again, this shows that God understands what we go through when we face temptation. If Jesus' had non suffered as we do, we might call up that God demands too much. But Jesus' life proves God does understand and empathise, but there is still no excuse for sin.

Jesus was the only homo ever to alive without committing even one sin, and then He is the simply one who truly deserves to be counted righteous before God. Later nosotros will see that this sinless life was necessary for Him to exist a perfect cede for our sins.

[Cf. Matt. 10:25]

C. His Teaching

We will not spend much time here considering the specific content of Jesus' teaching, just we tin notice some general points about it.

Jesus' teachings reveal God's volition to man.

Matthew 17:1-5 - At the Transfiguration, God again affirmed that Jesus is His Son and so we must listen to Him. God once more miraculously demonstrated His Divine approving of Jesus' teaching.

Matthew 28:18-20 - We must observe all Jesus' commands, considering He had authority to command men to obey.

Jesus' teachings were not man opinion or homo wisdom. They were the absolute volition of God. Jesus came as God in the flesh to reveal a message to man from God.

[Heb. 1:ane,two; Acts 3:22,23]

Jesus' teachings are essential to our salvation.

John half dozen:63,68 - Jesus' words are spirit and life. He has the words of eternal life.

John xiv:6 - He is the manner to the Father. No one can come to the Father except by Him.

Acts 4:12 - No ane just Him can provide salvation.

Jesus' teachings are not optional. We must accept and obey them, both because they come from God, and because they show us the but way to receive eternal life. No one should say he believes in Jesus but sees no need to follow His teachings. Following Jesus' education is the only way to benefit from Jesus' life and decease.

[Cf. 1 John 5:11,12; John 12:48]

Jesus' apostles and prophets delivered His didactics after His ascension.

Luke ten:sixteen - Jesus sent the disciples to speak His will, so we tin be certain they spoke truth from God, even as Jesus Himself had done.

John sixteen:12,13 - Specifically, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to guide them to speak truths that Jesus did not reveal during His lifetime, considering the time was not withal right. But all truth would be revealed to the apostles through the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 14:37 - The Holy Spirit guided these men to speak and write the will of God. The result is that the written give-and-take we have in the New Attestation today constitutes the very commands of Jesus Himself.

Jesus not only spoke for God simply He enabled His apostles and prophets to speak for Him and for God. Y'all and I tin know God'southward will for us today through the bulletin these inspired men wrote.

[Cf. Matt. 10:19,20; Acts ane:8; two Timothy 3:16,17]

To benefit from Jesus' teaching, we must believe and obey information technology.

Matthew 7:21-27 - To enter the kingdom of sky, information technology is not enough to simply believe in Jesus or fifty-fifty to confess Him every bit "Lord." We must as well obey the will of the Father, which Jesus revealed. To be truly wise, we must both hear and do what Jesus taught.

Mark 16:15,sixteen - Jesus said His gospel must be preached to all. He who believes and is baptized will be saved. But he who disbelieves volition be condemned.

Hebrews 5:ix - Jesus is author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him.

Those who truly believe in Jesus must non just believe in His miraculous birth and sinless life, they must also believe that He was the Son of God and a Divine spokesman from God. And nosotros must recognize our demand to believe and obey His teachings as the only way to receive eternal life. His teachings are revealed for us in the Scriptures.

[See also John viii:24,31,32; Luke half dozen:46; 2 John 9; 1 Pet. ane:22-25; Rom. 6:17,eighteen.]

E. His Show

How practice we know that the claims fabricated about Jesus in the Bible are actually truthful? Anyone can claim to come from God or to speak for God. What proof is there? From the many proofs available, nosotros will consider just two categories.

Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecy.

Claims that Jesus fulfilled prophecy

Luke 24:25-27,44 - Jesus affirmed that events in His life fulfilled Old Attestation prophecy.

1 Corinthians xv:one-iv - Jesus' apostles also affirmed His life fulfilled prophecy.

Men can predict the distant futurity in item only if God guides them. Then if men predict in detail that someone would come up to be a ruler of God's people and an inspired spokesman for God, and then someone comes and fulfills those prophecies, nosotros must conclude that person really did come from God. And then, we should listen to His message.

[Cf. John 5:39; Acts 2:25-36; 3:18-26; 10:43; thirteen:27-39; etc.]

Some examples of prophecies Jesus fulfilled:

** Born in Bethlehem (cf. Micah 5:2 to Matt. 2:one-6)

** Descendant of David (cf. Jer. 23:5 to Acts 13:22,23)

** Prophet from God (cf. Deut. 18:17-19 to Acts 3:20-23)

** Fore-runner to prepare His style (cf. Isa. 40:3,four to Luke 3:two-5)

** Death by crucifixion for others' guilt (cf. Psa. 22:16-eighteen; 34:20; Isa. 53:4-12 to John 19:18-37 and ane Pet. 2:21-25.)

** Resurrection (Psa. 16:10 cf. Acts 2:24-32)

Jesus did miracles, including the resurrection.

Jesus' miracles proved He was from God.

Miracles sometimes accomplished various purposes, merely the one purpose always accomplished by Jesus' miracles was to demonstrate that God was working through Him.

John 5:36 - Jesus' works testified He was from God.

Acts 2:22 - Jesus was canonical of God by miracles.

John 20:thirty,31 - We have not seen the miracles today, but we believe on the basis of the bystander testimony in the Scriptures that Jesus did miracles.

[Cf. John 11:47,48; 4:48.]

Examples of miracles that ostend who Jesus is

Nosotros have already read about some of these miracles:

** Virgin birth - Matt. 1:18-25; Luke i:26-35

** God's testimony at His baptism and the Transfiguration - Matt. iii:13-17; 17:1-5

** Raising the dead - John xi:17-44

** Walking on h2o and calming a tempest - Matt. fourteen:22-33; 8:23-27

** Feeding thousands with a few loaves and fishes - Matt. xiv:thirteen-21; 15:32-39

** The resurrection - Rom. 1:4

God purposely planned for Jesus to give bear witness sufficient for any honest person to be convinced who Jesus really is. If you seek to know the validity of the Bible's claims about Jesus, you need to consider the prove with an honest want to know the truth.

This is the story of Jesus' life. Do y'all believe this story to be true? Do you dearest to tell the story to others? What efforts have you fabricated to requite others the opportunity to hear and believe?

Poetry 3: Jesus' Decease, Burial, Resurrection, and Ascension

A. Predictions Of Jesus' Death and Resurrection

Nosotros learned that fulfilled prophecy and Jesus' miracles are two of the greatest proofs that He actually was from God. The nigh of import of the miracles that occurred was His resurrection from the expressionless. If Jesus really arose from the expressionless, that would exist astonishing. Only fifty-fifty more amazing is the fact that His resurrection was predicted ahead of time.

Former Testament predictions

Luke 24:44-46 - Jesus explained that His resurrection fulfilled the predictions of the prophets.

Acts 13:34-38 - For instance, David predicted one whose flesh would not come across corruption and his soul would non remain in Hades. This could be true just if one arose from the expressionless.

Isaiah 53:7-12 - He would die, but "He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days" (v10). How could this exist? But by resurrection.

[Cf. 1 Cor. 15:i-4; Acts 2:23-31; 17:ii,3.]

Jesus' own predictions

John 2:18-22 - Jesus' predicted that the Jews would destroy His body (temple), merely He would rebuild it in three days.

Matthew sixteen:21 - Jesus plainly told the disciples that He would exist killed and would rise once more the third mean solar day.

Imagine a human being making such a prediction. If he were a simulated, shortly later on his expiry, everyone would know he was a fake. But Jesus fabricated the prediction; and instead of losing His following, nosotros will run into that many people testified that they personally saw Him live again after He had died.

[Cf. Matt. 17:nine,23; 20:19; 26:32; 27:63; Mk. 8:31; 9:9,10,31; 10:34; fourteen:28; Luke xviii:33; 24:4-7.]

B. Betrayal and Arrest

Matthew 26:1-iv,14-16 - Jewish leaders determined to kill Jesus, considering He had revealed their sins to the multitudes. Judas, one of Jesus' disciples, was also a thief. He agreed to betray Jesus to His enemies for thirty pieces of silver.

Matthew 26:36-41 - Subsequently teaching His disciples how to partake of the Lord's Supper in retention of His death, Jesus went to Gethsemane. There He prayed that He might avoid the suffering of the cantankerous, merely however He was willing to obey the Male parent's will.

Matthew 26:47-56 - Judas came bringing soldiers to capture Jesus and showed the soldiers which homo to arrest by kissing Him. When Jesus refused to permit His disciples to defend Him, they all forsook Him and fled. Later Peter denied Him three times, just as Jesus had earlier predicted he would.

About of us can only imagine how terrible this would exist. Simply if you lot have ever had a friend turn his back on you lot, so you have a tiny taste of what Jesus experienced. He had left the joys of Heaven, had come to globe, and had spent years teaching His disciples. All the same when it appeared that His enemies were virtually to defeat Him, 1 of His disciples betrayed Him for coin, another denied Him three times, and all the others forsook Him. Yet He accepted all this so He could save them and u.s. from sin.

C. Trials and Crucifixion

We will not discuss many details, just consider some of the bear witness that Jesus was innocent and not worthy of decease.

Matthew 26:57-67 - In the Jewish trials, Jewish leaders sought grounds to kill Jesus, but could not observe valid proof even with the assistance of many false witnesses. Finally they bedevilled Him of blasphemy because He claimed to be the Christ. Simply information technology was easy to prove that He claimed to be the Christ. The question was: Was the claim true or simulated? The Jews never even considered that. They only ignored all the prove that he was the Christ and convicted Him of making a blasphemous claim!

Matthew 27:iii-5 - Judas admitted He had betrayed an innocent person, and hanged himself.

Luke 23:1-11 - Jesus was taken earlier the Roman governor Pilate, where the Jews accused Jesus of pedagogy people non to pay tribute to Caesar, despite the fact that they knew He had really taught just the opposite (Matt. 22:xv-21).

Luke 23:8-eleven - Pilate sent Jesus to Herod, who mocked Him and sent Him back to Pilate. Pilate (vv 13-16) so told the people that neither he nor Herod found any fault in Jesus worthy of death.

Matthew 27:xv-26 - Pilate repeatedly stated that Jesus was innocent and tried to release Him, but the Jews refused. Pilate'due south wife sent him a message saying she knew Jesus was innocent. But the Jews said they and their children would bear responsibility for His death, so Pilate called for Jesus to be crucified.

Matthew 27:27-54 - Read Matthew'due south account of the actual crucifixion.

John xviii:31-34 adds that Jesus' side was pierced with a spear to guarantee He was expressionless.

So no 1 ever proved Jesus was guilty of whatsoever wrongdoing. His betrayer, two of His judges (Pilate and Herod), and even a married woman of ane of the judges all declared Him to exist innocent. Yet He was crucified every bit a criminal.

D. Burial

Matthew 27:57-60 - Jesus' disciples prepared the body for burial and placed it in the cave tomb of Joseph of Arimathea.

Matthew 27:62-66 - The Jews remembered that Jesus had promised to ascension from the dead. And then with Pilate's permission, they sealed the stone over the archway and placed guards outside to make sure the body did not leave the tomb.

E. Reasons for His Decease

Everyone dies eventually. To many people, Jesus' expiry may not seem boggling. But His was the most of import death ever to occur. In fact, it is essential to our salvation.

Hebrews 2:9 - Jesus tasted death for every human being. He did non die for His ain sins - He didn't have any sins. Nor was His decease only a miscarriage of justice. Jesus died for our sins.

1 Peter 2:24 - He bore our sins on the cross, so nosotros could live to righteousness. He was a cede. He was the sinless Son of God dying as a punishment for those of usa who were guilty, so we could get free.

Romans 5:6-nine - It would be astonishing to find someone willing to requite his ain life in the identify of a righteous person, but Jesus died for the states while we were sinners.

2 Corinthians 5:21 - He did not commit sin, merely was made to be sin on our behalf. This is why it was essential that Jesus alive a sinless life. If He had sinned, He would take to be punished for His own sins. But considering He lived a sinless life and did not deserve to die, He was able to endure for others who did deserve to die.

Astonishing as all this is, it is even more amazing to realize that He came to earth knowing all along that He would have to die for the sins of others. The Creator took the course of that which He had created, in order to suffer equally a sacrifice to salvage His own creatures. If Jesus had not died, none of us could be forgiven of sins. We would all have to die for our own sins (Rom. 6:23). We can be saved only because Jesus died for united states of america.

[Cf. John three:16; Rom. 4:25; 1 John 4:9; etc.]

F. Resurrection and Appearances

ane Corinthians xv:16,17 - If Jesus had simply died without existence raised, Satan would accept been the victor. He would have defeated Jesus, and we would all nonetheless be in our sins. In order to defeat Satan and thereby justify u.s.a., Jesus had to arise from the expressionless.

Matthew 28:1-10 - All 4 of the gospel accounts affirm that Jesus was raised. All iv tape accounts of eyewitnesses who saw Him alive after His death. Unlike writers record different appearances. No 1 writer gives a complete list of all the appearances.

ane Corinthians 15:5-8 - Paul lists several of Jesus' appearances, including the advent to Paul himself on the road to Damascus.

John 20:24-31 - This case shows the factual, historical nature of Jesus' appearances. Thomas had said he would not believe Jesus had been raised until he personally saw Him live. When Jesus gave Him the proof, Thomas confessed Him to be "my Lord and my God." John affirms that all of us must believe this too, simply we don't accept to come across to believe.

John nineteen:35; 20:thirty,31; 21:24 - Hither is how nosotros can believe. The testimony of the eyewitnesses has been recorded in the Scriptures. Their testimony says Jesus did do miracles, He did die, and He did alive over again after He died.

Romans 1:four - God proved Jesus to exist His Son by raising Him from the dead. The resurrection is the virtually bones and central of all Jesus' miracles. The only way you lot can be saved from sin is to believe it to be true (Rom. ten:9,10).

Jesus showed Himself alive by "many infallible proofs" (Acts i:iii). What volition you do with this proof? Honest people must investigate and achieve an honest verdict.

[1 Pet. three:21; Heb. 2:14; Rom. 4:25]

G. Ascension and Establishment of His Church

Acts one:two-11 - Having appeared to His disciples over a period of 40 days, and having discussed with them about His kingdom, Jesus ascended to heaven. Angels promised He would someday return in the same manner.

The kingdom had been a major theme of Jesus' teaching. He had promised to build His church building, which is His spiritual kingdom (Matt. 16:18,xix). He said this kingdom would come with power in the lifetime of His disciples (Mark nine:one). Here He promised that the power would come when the Holy Spirit came just a few days afterwards.

Acts two:29-38 - The Holy Spirit did come in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost. It gave the apostles power to speak in other tongues (vv 1-4). Peter preached that Jesus is now on David's throne as Lord and Christ. Merely to do this, Jesus had to be raised from the dead.

To be saved from our sins, we must believe in Jesus equally our sacrifice and our Lord, and nosotros must apologize of sins and be baptized. Those who do this are added to Jesus' church building (v47), which is His kingdom (Col. 1:13,xviii).

Philippians two:9-11 - Because Jesus achieved all these swell works on our behalf, God has exalted Him to a position of laurels and authority, above all other say-so (Eph. 1:21-23). To be saved we must submit to His authority and confess His greatness.


This is the story of Jesus' earthly life, decease, and resurrection.

But this is not the terminate of the story. Jesus volition return!

Matthew 25:31-46 - When Jesus ascended, the angels said He would return. He volition not return in order to begin ruling every bit King; He began ruling every bit King when He ascended, and He will continue ruling till He comes again (1 Cor. 15:21-26). He will return as our judge to reward us for how we have served Him. Those who serve faithfully volition receive eternal life; those who do non serve will receive eternal penalization (vv 41,46).

Acts 17:30,31 - To prepare for this judgment, we must repent of our sins. To repent means we must "change our minds" almost sin, deciding to turn from it and live for Jesus. Every bit we learned earlier, we must then confess Christ and be baptized and so His blood tin can forgive us, and then we must live a true-blue life.

The story of Jesus is the greatest story e'er told.

The lesson for us to learn from this story is that Jesus is our Creator, Savior, and Master. How you and I react to that story will determine our eternal destiny. We have a choice to serve Him and receive eternal life, or pass up to serve Him and receive eternal punishment.

This (very briefly) is the story of Jesus. Practice yous dearest to hear this story? Do you love to tell the story? If yous empathize, believe, and appreciate what Jesus has done for y'all, you need to make a commitment to serve Him. Then you need to tell the story to others. What is your selection?

(C) Copyright 2011, David East. Pratte;
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What Claims Did Jesus Make?
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Evidence for Jesus' Resurrection
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Deity of Jesus: God in the Flesh
Significance of Jesus' Resurrection
How to Benefit from Jesus' Blood - Return to the Gospel Way home page.

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